The end of Lockdown 2.0
So, yesterday was the last day of our second national lockdown after a month. Some rules are expected to be lifted from today and the countdown to a Christmas like no other will begin, amidst three tiers of Coronavirus restrictions.
It is rumoured that London will stay in tier two, while other parts of the country will be put in tier three, depending on how severe the rate of infection is in each area. That being said, it was reported last week that the rate of infection in the UK had dropped significantly of late, which gives us a glimmer of hope for the weeks and months ahead.
Slowly but surely, from today, some businesses that have been working from home will see a return to the workplace. Although we’re not sure for how long, it will be nice to see a bit of normality, however small.
With just over four weeks left of 2020, its crazy to think that we’ve been living in the middle of a pandemic for most of the year. All we know is that it is important to be positive and think positive.