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DiSC Profiling

DiSC Profiling - A highly effective recruitment tool

Have you ever heard of DiSC Profiling? Let us explain!

DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main behavioural styles explored within DiSC Profiling - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. It is proven that everyone is a combination of all four styles, but DiSC Profiling helps us to understand which style we adopt the most.

The DiSC assessment is an interesting way to identify your strengths and areas in which you excel. On the other hand, it’s a useful way to pinpoint areas in which you could be holding back, highlighting ways in which you could combat these and make changes to the way you approach situations in the workplace.

Following an online assessment about your own behaviour, DiSC provides a personal insight into personality traits and behaviours, and a deeper understanding of how you handle day-to-day occurrences while at work.

For employers, implementing DiSC Profiling offers numerous benefits in terms of employee management, team building and overall organisational efficiency.

Here’s how it can be beneficial:

  • Improved communication

  • Enhanced team dynamics

  • Improved leadership and management

  • Enhanced hiring and talent development

  • Increased employee engagement and retention

  • Streamlined conflict management

  • Better customer interaction and service

  • Increased organisational self-awareness

Not only does it benefits employers, it can also be very useful to employees too:

  • Self-awareness and personal development

  • Improved communication skills

  • Enhanced interpersonal relationships

  • Increased job satisfaction

  • Better adaptability

  • Career growth and development

  • Enhanced emotional intelligence

  • Constructive feedback and self-improvement

  • Career direction and role clarity

  • Increased confidence and self-efficacy

There is no right or wrong answer to DiSC assessments, they provide a tailored insight into your characteristics. This is something Bridge Recruitment would be happy to supply, as an addition to your recruitment process.

Speak to a member of our Team on 0208 529 0548 or email to discuss further!