Berlin Marathon 2017; Craig’s thoughts
This Sunday I will be (finally) taking part in the BWM Berlin Marathon 2017, something that feels quite surreal now that it is upon me. This is something that has almost completely dominated my whole thought process from the moment I signed up to it in February. Training plans, diet plans, organising holidays, going to the pub… almost everything I did leading up to this moment had to take into consideration the ominous ever approaching shadow of the inevitable 26.2 miles I would be running at the end of September.
I enjoy running but the training is beginning to take its toll on me physically with niggly knees and sore hips, I will be strapped up with lots of tape come the time I step over the start line with over 40,000 other people.
I feel prepared, I know I can do it, but I have to keep telling myself to enjoy the day and that just over 4 hours of running is actually a minuscule period of time in the grand scheme of things…
More importantly than my own personal achievement and sense of self-worth is the Prostate Cancer UK charity I have raised £564 for. Friends, family, the fantastic Bridge Recruitment team, and even some very generous strangers have all helped and I am eternally grateful to them.
It is a fantastic cause and Prostate Cancer UK team have been brilliant, supporting us all the way and sending us regular updates, great running equipment, and even my name to iron on so people can cheer my name if I’m struggling.
Once again thank you for all who donated I very much appreciate it. All that is left now is to run the race, enjoy the event, drink lots of German beer after, and hope RyanAir does not ruin my plans. This is going to be a weekend I will never forget.